William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
It’s half term! It has been incredibly busy with the staff and children working incredibly hard! Walking round school is delightful. I see children motivated, engaged, excited about learning and producing amazing work. I am so proud of their achievements and know that parents will be too.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge and sincere thank you to the staff team, who have worked so hard this half term in challenging circumstances, which they have not allowed to impact on their teaching. They are under strict instructions to rest over half term and take it easy!
I would like to thank families for their assistance in following all our procedures over the last seven weeks. It has really made a difference and played such an important part in ensuring a positive return to school for staff and children.
A few reminders about our procedures which are very important, particularly in light of the rising number of positive cases across the country.
Drop off
When we are back after half term, we will have the same times as we have had this term – 9am for KS1 and 9.10am for KS2. We will open the gates just before 9am and the children in Years 1 – 6 can come in and go straight to class (as they would as if it was a wet morning) and teachers will stay in their classrooms. The ‘soft start’ appears to be working and many parents have fed back that it is very helpful to drop their child at school a bit earlier and then go!
The arrangements and times for the EYFS stay the same.
Entry and exit gates
Please ensure that you come in your designated gate to collect your child and leave either by the Daycare gate if you are a Nursery or Reception parent or Church street gate if you are a parent collecting from Year 1- 6. I would be grateful if you do not come back and leave via Dynevor Road or Lancell street, as we are operating a one way system. If you have a childminder or other family members doing pick up, please let them know which gate they need to leave by.
After pick up
Please ensure you collect your child and leave the playground as quickly as possible. There are a number of parents staying in the playground when they have collected their child, which means it is difficult for the Keystage 2 classes to cross the playground to get to the football pitch or small playground.
Playground equipment
Please make sure your child does NOT play on any of the playground equipment – climbing frame, ring or gym equipment.
Ventilation in school
Ventilation is a key part of our risk assessment and so windows in the classrooms, halls and on the stairs will be kept open during the autumn and winter months. With the weather turning colder, please ensure your child is wearing extra layers or brings a jumper to put on in the classroom. The heating is adjusted to be higher, but with windows open it will feel colder inside.
Positive test in the household.
If someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, it is important that school is informed.
Parents’ Evening
If you haven’t already booked for Parents’ Evening on 9th, 11th or 18th November, please visit www.schoolinterviews.co.uk with code jw5wu
We look forward to seeing you in person then.
Absence requests
As travel restrictions have eased and it is becoming easier to travel, more families are asking for permission for their child to be absent. If you do, please complete an absence request form (available from the website or the office) and return at least two weeks before the date requested.
Scooters / bikes
It is great to see the children travelling to school on bikes and scooters, but they are not permitted to ride them in the playground.
We have plans to invite families to our Christmas performances, which would be outside. When we have finalised the arrangements, we will send more details of the arrangements after the half term.
Wishing all our families a restful half term and we look forward to seeing all our children back in school on Monday 1st November.
Best wishes