
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


Assemblies provide valuable time for the children to come together to share work and achievements, to mark festivals and celebrations from major world religions, or to listen to stories with a moral element.

The emphasis is on broadening children’s spirituality through their innate sense of awe and wonder, and on developing their sense of right and wrong.

Right of withdrawal

Parents have a right to withdraw children from religious education and assemblies. However, the educational aims of religious education are quite separate from the role of the home and faith community in fostering the growth of faith.

We believe that children of different faith communities can learn from one another. We encourage the children to see themselves as part of the whole school community and to provide opportunities to reflect on the importance of matters of belief and ethics.

Should a child be withdrawn, they will be provided with some appropriate work and be well supervised.