William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
We started online homework in 2019. The children, staff and parents had the opportunity to share their views on Google Classroom via a questionnaire. We then discussed the issues raised from the questionnaire responses during a staff meeting.
As a school, we have taken on board the comments by all the groups. We have considered and worked on the main issues which concern children and parents.
Children’s views
The majority of children said they complete their homework every week and most say it takes between 15 and 30 minutes to do. The majority of children complete homework on a PC or iPad and that their parents know how to help with their homework. The children like the impact of using less paper. Children wanted to continue with Google Classroom homework system. Half the children said they need help with submitting homework or that answers were sometimes wrong, when they were right, which was very frustrating.
Teachers’ views
Teachers mostly spend up to 30 minutes preparing homework. All teachers say that with no photocopying, TAs can spend more time working with children, which is a much more efficient use of their time. Teachers also said it was much more environmentally friendly. Staff wanted to continue with Google Classroom homework system.
Parents’ views
Parents were concerned about security, had difficulties with logging on and submitting homework and said that some answers were wrong when they were right! Parents also expressed concern about lack of feedback to children and therefore homework was completed, but not necessarily recognised by the teacher. Parents also expressed worries that the new system increased screen time and that homework was no longer done as a shared activity.
We have produced ‘How to’ guides to show you how to log in, submit work etc. See links below:
Signing in to Google Classroom
Maths on Google Classroom
Spellings on Google Classroom
Topic on Google Classroom
EYFS photographs on Google Classroom