William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
We are delighted to say that we have three newly developed playgrounds for the children to use at break and lunch times. We have worked hard to obtain funding for these exciting places and the designers have made exciting and beautiful spaces for the children.
EYFS and KS1 use the playground furthest away from the school and KS2 use the one nearest to school.
EYFS also have their own outside learning areas, one for nursery and one for the two reception classes.
There is an outdoor space on the roof which includes a rooftop terrace with planters for each class, a greenhouse and outdoor classroom and an Edible Playground in the KS1 playground for all classes to use.
At William Patten School we recognise that we are living in a technologically advancing world and one of the school’s aims is to prepare children adequately for this.
The school’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities are extensive, with a computer suite, class sets of ipads, PCs and interactive whiteboards which are linked to the internet in every classroom and contain an abundance of relevant software.
All teachers are provided with a laptop for planning and preparation and an iPad for assessment.
We also make use of specialist local facilities within our computing curriculum, including focused visits for each class to the Camden Learning Centre.
The school has two well-stocked and immaculate libraries.
The Key Stage 1 Library is on the ground floor and available to all the EYFS and KS1 children. Children visit regularly and are guided by their teachers in their choice of books.
On the top floor we have a lovely well-stocked Key Stage 2 library, with a computerised library system. The library provides a wide range of books, both fiction and non-fiction and gives the opportunity for children to learn to use a library and reference books effectively.