A photographer visits the school twice a year, once to take class photos, once to take individual photographs. Children in the same family can be photographed together. It is entirely optional whether you purchase the photographs.
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Hackney and London have much to offer in enriching the curriculum. Local and whole day visits are planned into programmes of study.
We send out annual consent forms in September for parents to give permission for local trips. Parents can also choose to give permission trip by trip if they wish.
When we organise school visits by coach we ensure that each child has an individual seat on the coach and that seat belts are fitted to coaches we hire.
We must know of any potential health problems your child might have and would ask you to keep us informed at all times.
Details of forthcoming trips are emailed home, put onto the website calendar and your child’s Arbor account. We try to give as much notice of trips as we can, but sometimes trips are organised at short notice to enhance a particular topic of study. Reports of trips appear in the school newsletter (the Patten Pages).
Educational visits are not optional; they form an integral part of each child’s education. All children should go on all educational visits.
Disabled pupils will have their specific needs catered for. Pupils with medical or other specific needs will not be excluded from visits. Every effort will be made
for pupils with special educational needs to be included in visits and suitable safety arrangements will be considered in conjunction with the parents.
It is the responsibility of the school to inform the venue in advance if there is a child with SEN and seek the support of the provider where necessary.
No child will be excluded for financial reasons, as payment for school visits is voluntary. Parents should be made aware that any contribution is not compulsory.
If a parent seeks to withdraw a child other than for religious reasons, the teacher will discreetly determine if it is for financial reasons. If so, the school will pay for the child.
A child may only be exempt from a visit if:
Year 6 children go for a week to Kench Hill, a Georgian mansion set amongst beautiful gardens in the Kent countryside. It has hosted residential trips for Hackney school children for over 35 years, providing high quality, safe and fun educational activities for all pupils.
The children enjoy activities such as visits to local places of interest, shelter building, gardening, breadmaking, archery and survival skills. The children go as a year group and we try to make sure that every child attends. For many children this is the highlight of their last year at William Patten, and is a very important preparation for the greater independence they will need at secondary school.
We also have an extensive programme of visitors to the school, including:
Details of visitors appear in the the Patten Pages.
It is the school’s policy that no child should miss any educational activity through an inability to pay.
Should a parent have difficulty in paying a contribution for any outing or activity, they are asked to speak to the class teacher or make an appointment with the Headteacher.
The main activities for which contributions are requested:
We are grateful to the PTFA for its support in subsidising many trips and visits.
The Governors keep under review the number and nature of charging activities. The principle they work to is that any activity taking place at school should be available to all children.
Before and after school clubs are currently £6.00 per session.
A photographer visits the school twice a year, once to take class photos, once to take individual photographs. Children in the same family can be photographed together. It is entirely optional whether you purchase the photographs.