
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


Our attendance stands at over 96%

Children are expected to attend school regularly and punctually.

When a child is absent, parents must notify the school office before 9.20am each day that the child is absent.

Our attendance rates are consistently high, and we are above the national average. Please support us in maintaining this good record.

Due to government legislation, holidays in school time are not authorised by the school and children should not be taken out of school during term time. The school has discretion to allow up to five days of additional absence in an academic year for exceptional circumstances only. Permission for absence needs to be sought at least two weeks beforehand.

Absence requests

All requests for absence during term time need to be completed on an Exceptional absence request form 2023-24 and handed into the school office at least two weeks in advance. Parents will then be contacted explaining if the Headteacher is giving permission for the absence (an “authorised absence”), or explaining why the request is not being authorised.

Authorised absences are when children are absent through illness or family circumstances, about which parents have informed the school and the school has agreed. Absences for other reasons must receive the Headteacher’s permission otherwise they will be recorded as unauthorised. All requests for absence and the reply are kept in our attendance monitoring file. If a request is not received in time, it may mean that the absence is recorded as unauthorised in the register.

Current law now requires us to note on the child’s record any unauthorised absences. Attendance rates are published and the information forms part of the league table of schools.

If any parent/carer would like to discuss any issues relating to attendance, please contact the Headteacher – Karen Law.

Attendance Policy 2023-24