
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


We welcome all children to our school and are committed to meeting their needs.

Any enquiries about admissions to the school can be answered by our school office or by Hackney Education on 0208 820 7000

Many of our children join William Patten in the Nursery, aged three. A place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. Some children, however, move on to one of two Reception classes, where they are joined by children new to the school.

Parents wishing to visit the school should do so by making an appointment through the school office.

Admissions criteria

William Patten is governed by Hackney’s admission procedures and admissions are dealt with by Hackney Education. Full details of the admissions criteria and a copy of the admission form for Reception are available on the Hackney Education website.

Parents have the right to state which school they would like their children to attend. However, if there are not enough places available in a specific school, the following criteria are applied to determine priorities:

  1. A looked after child or child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order
  2. Children whose acute medical or social need justifies the allocation of a place at a particular school
  3. Children with brothers and sisters at the school at the time of the proposed admission
  4. Children living nearest to the main entrance of the school as measured in a straight line on a map or using a GIS computerised mapping system.

Prospective parents

We offer prospective parents the chance to visit school for a tour and to meet with the Headteacher. Please contact the school office to book an appointment. We are also happy to share our school’s film below. We hope that this provides an insight into the ethos of William Patten, as well as the opportunities we offer as part of our rich and diverse curriculum and the facilities that are available to enhance teaching and learning and wellbeing. The slides in the link below the film provide further details about the admissions process and how we organise the school day.

Link to further information for prospective parents:

Prospective Parents PP 2024-2025