
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


The children at William Patten do not wear a school uniform. They are able to wear their own clothes to school.

The William Patten dress code is:

  • Clothes should be comfortable and appropriate for a range of indoor and outdoor activities, including some activities which can be messy.
  • Footwear must be comfortable and safe to run around in.
  • All children should wear clothes which they can manage easily for P.E. etc.
  • Children need a coat or fleece which is warm enough for outdoor play in winter.
  • No jewellery (except small, flat stud earrings) to be worn in school. Jewellery of religious significance may be worn.
  • No hats / caps / head coverings (unless for religious observance) to be worn inside the school
  • Hair for boys and girls should not prevent them from seeing their work and must be tied or clipped back.

We ask that all children’s clothes should have names on please.

Inappropriate clothes include: crop tops, excessively baggy clothes,  offensive slogans, football team shirts.

PE kit

We have changed the PE kit requirements, as many children come to school wearing clothes and footwear that are appropriate for PE.

Children in Years 1 – 4 do not have to wear a separate PE kit.

Children in Years 5 and 6 do have to wear a separate PE kit, as part of our transition work for secondary school, but also for hygiene reasons.

Lost property

We have a lost property area in the bottom hall. We also send an email weekly with photographs of all current lost property. Parents can email back if anything belongs to their child and we will return the item to the child’s peg the following day.