William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
The curriculum at William Patten is designed to be relevant and meaningful for all our children, while at the same time both stimulating and challenging them. Once we have excited children and have their attention we know that they will learn in all subjects and develop interests that will prepare them well for their future lives.
To meet this aim we fill the curriculum with visits, visitors, wonderful resources and lively teaching. Our facilities are excellent and the school is now fully developed to fulfil its role. Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a focus throughout the curriculum. This is further enhanced by the range of experiences that the school provides.
Various teaching approaches and strategies to ensure inclusion are adopted, as outlined in each subject’s policy. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, with a commitment to ensuring excellence in all areas, including reading, writing and maths. Our schemes of work are informed by, and aligned, to the National Curriculum 2014. They also take account of the school’s own context, the unique location of the school and the children’s interests. Our curriculum is designed to ensure effective cross-curricular links and to promote cultural capital. First hand experience, practical, investigative and problem-solving work feature prominently.
To find out more about the arrangements for each subject and how the different subjects are taught at William Patten, please select from the dropdown menu at the top of this page. Curriculum overviews and the Topic Vocabulary/Knowledge Mats that are used for each subject can be found at the following page. These can be used to support home help: