William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
We are almost there! In September I don’t think any of us actually realised how challenging this term would and continues to be.
I am incredibly proud of the entire staff team and our children for all their achievements since we came back to school in September. We have had a very successful term, despite restrictions, changing Government guidance, absences and the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in. The staff have been absolutely amazing, working so hard to implement our recovery curriculum, to narrow gaps and ensure that that all children make good progress from their starting points. They welcomed the children back with such cheer and have gone above and beyond to support the children’s emotional health and well-being too. The team has ensured that school is a happy, stimulating, inspiring and safe space for children to learn and enjoy. This has all been done whilst negotiating illness, disruption caused by absence and external pressures. The whole team are stars and thoroughly deserve their holiday.
A record number of Headteacher Awards have been given out this term, as so many children are also going above and beyond what is expected of them, both academically and in terms of their relationships and positive attitude and kindness towards others. Walking round school is a delight. The work on display is fabulous and the children’s books are super. The children are very excited to share their work and so proud of what they are doing. They have certainly impressed their teachers, me and the many external visitors that we’ve had this term. All have walked away being wowed by our children and their work!
I would like to thank families for all their support of our work and assistance in following all our safety procedures. It has been very helpful indeed and played such an important part in ensuring that there has been minimal disruption to school life. I know that other schools have had to close year groups and I have been very thankful that we have not had to or revert back to year groups in bubbles and separate lunches etc. Parents have been so adaptable and flexible with any changes to the routines and your positivity and understanding has been hugely appreciated. For example, I know there was such disappointment about the EYFS and KS1 performances being cancelled due to the weather, but the messages of support acknowledging the difficulty of the situation meant a great deal.
PTFA thank you
A huge thank you to everyone for all your help and support at the Christmas Fair on Saturday. The rain did not spoil their joy! It was a huge success and enjoyed immensely by so many within our school community – the children were literally bursting with excitement, it was a really special time for them! Our PTFA worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event both safe and successful and we are always so grateful for their enthusiasm to fundraise for our school and provide these wonderful memories for our children – thank you!
Testing remains important in reducing the risk of transmission of infection within schools and I would urge families to undertake regular testing throughout the holiday, particularly prior to the return to school. This will help to identify any asymptomatic cases of COVID-19.
Testing in a Covid positive household
If a member of your household tests positive, household members must undertake 7 days of daily testing with lateral flow tests. LFTs should be taken for 7 days from the date COVID-19 symptoms started in the household or from the date of the first positive test if there are no symptoms. In addition, all household members should undertake a PCR test. If anyone in your household tests positive in the week before we return to school, please inform us on the first day back via the school email address admin@williampatten.hackney.sch.uk
All families travelling to England must adhere to government travel advice in travel to England from another country during coronavirus (COVID-19). Parents travelling abroad for the holiday should bear in mind the impact on their child’s education which may result from any requirement to quarantine or isolate upon return.
January return to school
Government guidance is changing in response to the new Omicron variant and we do not yet know if this will impact on schools. Schools have been advised to review their outbreak management plan and prepare for any possible changes in public health advice, and to ensure they are well prepared for any future changes. For now we assume we will be back as normal in January, but if there are any changes we will keep parents informed via email and text.
For many it may have been a very long time since last seeing family and friends and I know there is much excitement and anticipation. I do hope that families are able to spend time with friends and loved ones during the break.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday.
See you in January 2022!
Best wishes