
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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William Patten Primary School


Please browse our photo galleries for a snapshot of life at William Patten School

Migration exhibition

Year 5 have been exploring animals and migration. The children have been finding out which animals migrate, where to and why. As part of the topic the children created a display of postcards all illustrated with an image of the migratory animal and an acrostic poem. The postcards were gathered in an exhibition and Karen was invited to attend! The thought given to the topic and the quality of writing was absolutely stunning and Karen was mightily impressed with the children’s work.
The topic was linked to their work in Literacy where they are focusing on Dame Floella Benjamin’s memoir, Coming to England. The children have also learnt what migration is and how people also may have to travel long distances. Their understanding of the reasons why people migrate for many different reasons was excellent. The children were able to explain the reasons might be economic, social, political or environmental. They also were able to discuss with great maturity why it is important to welcome people who have had to or wanted to leave their own country and to always show kindness and offer support.
Fabulous work Year 5! A very big, huge well done!

International Activity with Walukuba West Primary School in Uganda

You will have seen that there are currently lots of leaves on the floor in the playground! This week, the Year 1 and 2 children had lots of fun with these and completed challenges to find different coloured leaves for their teachers. The classes discussed the fact that green leaves are now more difficult to find as it is Autumn and most of the trees in our playground shed their leaves. We will be sending some of our pictures of the KS1 classes in the playground to our second partner school – Walukuba West Primary School – in Uganda. Teachers at Walukuba West, in the Jinja region of Uganda, will then send some photos of their children in the school grounds at this time of year, which our children will use to compare and contrast.
The seasons in Uganda are different to those in the UK, and the country generally experiences two wet seasons, and two dry seasons. A wet season coincides with Autumn here and we will do this activity again in January, April and July. This work will support the Y1 science topic of ‘Seasons’ (knowing when each of the four seasons occurs, what the features of each season are and how they change over the year). In Year 2, this work will support the Spring geography topic, and children will learn that Uganda lies on the equator and that the distance from the equator affects the weather. The children will also learn about how the temperatures during Uganda’s dry seasons vary from the temperatures in Britain during the summer. We look forward to further partnership working with the school in Walukuba west, who are also looking forward to comparing their location and weather with ours.

Making music with the London Symphony Orchestra

5B have been working on a very exciting project in Music lessons in collaboration with the LSO. So far, we have worked in groups to develop short pieces of music representing 'The beach, waves and doom'. This has been inspired by Benjamin Britten's 'Sea interludes'. We have worked very well together - taken turns playing, learning to listen and evaluate, led by conducting and experimented with playing new instruments together. This week, we had our LSO workshop, within which we had the chance to work with the wonderful Rachel Leach and two LSO musicians - Paul and Sarah. We are all looking forward to the next session!