William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
Happy New Year to the whole WP community! I hope you had a good holiday and enjoyed the break.
We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow. It will be so lovely to see them!
COVID continues to dominate the news headlines and we are very mindful of the risks and disruption posed by COVID at this current time in relation to children and staff being absent.
I have attached a letter from Annie Gammon, the Director of Education, Anntoinette Bramble, the Deputy Mayor and Dr Sandra Husbands, the Director of Public Health, which outlines what everyone can do to support schools and the wider community to help mitigate the risk posed by COVID and in particular the highly transmissible Omicron variant.
I would ask that everyone has a lateral flow test before returning to school as many positive cases are asymptomatic. The adults in school are already testing regularly.
I am asking all adults entering the playground at drop off and pick up to wear a mask, unless they are exempt. I would be grateful if adults waiting outside the school could observe social distancing and follow the one-way system that we have in place when leaving the playground.
When you have collected your child, please leave the playground as quickly as possible and avoid mixing in groups. If you are waiting to collect a sibling, please observe social distancing whilst waiting.
If anyone in your household tests positive, please email and let us know at admin@williampatten.hackney.sch.uk
The school routines will continue as they did last term, with regular hand sanitising, windows open in classrooms, halls and staircases and extra cleaning of toilets, door handles and stair rails throughout the day.
We will continue to monitor and review our systems and I will write to parents again at the end of the week regarding our updated risk assessment and outbreak management plan.
Best wishes