William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
Next Thursday the whole school from Nursery to Year 6 will celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and we are delighted that the weather forecast is looking sunny!
Each year group will represent and learn about a different decade and the theme will reflect what was happening in the United Kingdom and the world at that time.
The outline for the day is below and we are very excited!
· Children dress up in the clothes of their decade.
· Key stage assemblies for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
· Children will research their topic in the morning.
· Each class will work on a display which will form part of our Platinum Jubilee mural.
· Picnic lunch in the playground.
· Outdoor whole school pageant performance, where the classes will share their learning.
· Whole school song.
We are having an outdoor picnic lunch on the day. If your child usually has a school lunch, we will be providing a school packed lunch or you can send in your child with their own packed lunch in line with school policy https://www.williampatten.hackney.sch.uk/parents/school-meals/. It would be helpful if children could bring a blanket or cushion to sit on.
As it is a celebratory day, children may bring in a packet of crisps as part of their packed lunch. Each class will have a lovely fruit platter to share too.
Part-time Nursery children are very welcome to join us for the picnic lunch / whole day if they wish, either staying late or arriving early. Please email admin@williampatten.hackney.sch.uk if you would like your child to do this.
We need your help!
1. We are hoping that as many children as possible will be able to dress up in the clothes and style of the decade.
· EYFS will focus on the 1950s
· Year 1 the 1960s
· Year 2 the 1990s
· Year 3 the 2010s
· Year 4 the 1970’s
· Year 5 the 2000s
· Year 6 the 1980s
2. If you have any photographs from the decade your child will be studying, of friends or family, that you would be happy to share / let us photocopy, please send them in at the start of that week.
We will posting pictures of the celebration on the school Instagram account, so you can also share in the day.
Thanking you in advance.
Best wishes