William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear Parents and Carers,
STEM WEEK – Family Challenge
We would like to invite you to the ‘STEM Family Challenge’, which will take place on Wednesday 29th March between 6.00pm – 7.00pm. The event is part of a whole week of activities designed to promote STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths).
This event is open to families who have children in any year group, from Nursery to Year 6, and the challenge will be set up for the whole family to solve together.
The week’s theme is ‘connections’ and our activity will involve building a bridge. You will be provided with the materials and resources to create and test your creation. Special prizes will be given to winning teams in a number of categories.
If you and your family would like to book a place at this event, please email the school using the form below– admin@williampatten.hackney.sch.uk using the title ‘STEM Family Challenge’. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. You will then receive confirmation that your family team is registered.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the day!
Kind regards,
Sofia Khan
Science Coordinator
Please book a place for our family team to take part in the ‘Family Challenge’ on Wednesday 29th March 2023.
Team name : |
Child member(s) of team and class: |
Adult member(s) in team: |
Email Address: |