William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
On Friday 5th May, William Patten will celebrate the coronation of King Charles III with a special Coronation party.
We will have
Each child will be given a special Coronation pin as a memento.
To make the day a success, we need your help!
We need every child to bring in their own packed lunch (We would ask if parents could please provide a packed lunch for all children including those in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who would normally have a school meal. We will provide a packed lunch children who receive free school meals) as the kitchen will be busy making special Coronation cupcakes for every child to have.
We would like as many children as possible to make their own Eco Crown. This has been set as homework. We would like children to design and make their own crown using natural or recycled materials. More information is attached on the flyer and it is also on Google classroom. The Eco Team will be judging and awarding prizes in each phase (EYFS, KS1 and KS2) for creative use of materials and best design, based on an eco-theme.
Best wishes