William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear parents,
I hope you enjoyed the holidays and had a lovely summer. The staff team have had three INSET days this week and despite being very busy, we missed the children, so were delighted to see them back in school yesterday! They were very excited to tell us where they have been over the holiday and even more excited to see their friends and teachers.
Our new Nursery and Reception children are meeting their teachers this week and start school next week. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new children and parents and look forward to them joining the WP family!
I would also like to extend a very warm welcome to our new teacher, Sally in Year 5 and also to Danny, TA in Year 5 and Donn, TA in Year 6. We are delighted that they are joining us and hope that they will be very happy at WP.
Meet the Teacher meetings
Parents of children in Years 1 – 6 have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher next week and the information about these meetings was sent home in July and is on the website. We do hope you can come, if you are not able to attend, the information about your child’s new year group will also be emailed home.
Drop off and collection
The arrangements for the start and end of day remain the same, with a ‘soft’ start for all children. The days starts at 9am, with gates opening five minutes before and we finish at 3.30pm.
For the first TWO full weeks of term, Year 1 parents should use the Lancell Street gate to drop off their child. Parents will say goodbye to their child at the gate and then their child will line up in front of their teacher. The teacher will then walk children into school. Parents should stay outside the gate. After the two weeks are up and the children are more familiar with the routine, parents can drop off at Lancell Street or Dynevor road and the children will make their own way in, but the Senior Leadership Team will be on hand to help!
Collection arrangements
Nursery and Reception
Children are brought to the classroom door and will be greeted by the teacher and TA. At home time, children are collected from the classroom and collection passes must be shown before children can go.
Keystage 1
Keystage 2
We would be grateful if families could leave as soon as possible after collection, as JAG use both playgrounds for activities. We would also be grateful if children did not play on the climbing frame or gym equipment after school. There have been a number of accidents when children have not been supervised.
If you have any further queries about anything or need to get in touch, then please email admin@williampatten.hackney.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can or speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the day to book a time to see them.
I will be sending more information about general reminders next week. Details about the curriculum, which can be found on the website, will also follow shortly.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Best wishes