William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw
Dear Parents and Carers
This term, the school will be trialling a more comprehensive version of Sumdog. Many of you will already know that Sumdog is an online learning tool which provides personalised maths practice. It adapts questions to each child, using engaging games to build their confidence. It has also been shown to accelerate children’s progress in maths. Between now and the end of the half term, as a result of the trial, your child will be able to access a wider range of games than were previously available. As your child has already accessed Sumdog in their class this week, the activities and questions they will see within the programme should now offer the appropriate level of challenge. Some children might however need a short amount of time to complete the initial assessment activity.
Your child has today been given their username and log in details, which means they can now access all games and activities at home! Sumdog can be accessed on a computer at www.sumdog.com. When using a mobile or tablet, we are advised that the programme works best with the Sumdog App which is available on Apple, Android or Amazon.
This half term, as well as the adaptable activities that your child will have ongoing access to, your child’s class teacher will also use Sumdog to set an end of unit maths task to consolidate classroom learning instead of google classroom. These questions will be in accordance with the children’s most recent learning in maths, and we are confident that the children will enjoy completing this consolidation activity with the format of Sumdog. Your child might need more support at home with the completion of these questions, but they will continue to have access to the adaptable questions alongside and as well as, any specific work (such as end of unit questions) set by the teacher.
Sumdog advises ‘short bursts’ of activity, between 10 – 15 minutes activity a day, and more information about the programme is attached. We will be providing certificates throughout the trial for children who engage well and show particular achievement with Sumdog, and we will continue to participate in the regional and national maths competitions. Your child’s Sumdog activity will contribute to points for the school during competition times and details of these will be sent in advance. If the trial is successful, we will continue to set the end of unit quiz questions through Sumdog and your child will have continued access to the full range of available games and activities.
Please do encourage your child to log on to Sumdog via the app at home to support their maths learning in school. Your support at home is, as always, much appreciated.
Kind regards
Craig Porteous
Deputy Headteacher
Curriculum, Teaching & Learning and NCETM PD Lead