
William Patten Primary School
Stoke Newington Church Street
London N16 0NX
Office Manager: Rita Quigley
SENDCo: Caitlin Shaw

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020 7254 4014

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William Patten Primary School


Dear parents,

Please find below the timetable for events for Year 6 this term. We hope you will be able to join us for many of them, but particularly for the Talent Show, Pizza Party (which is for parents and Year 6 children only) and the Graduation. Please note the trip to the boat club is happening in June, we are waiting for confirmation of the date.


Month Event
13th KS2 National Test Week
20th Music performance to parents – steel pans, saxophone, clarinet, violin, keyboards, Djembe, & brass (for those children who play an instrument or are in the club)
21st Year 6 Transition Workshop with P2Be + WAMHs
23rd Y6 RIBA workshops
TBC Trip to Springfield Boat club
19th Gymnastics, Cheerleading & Hip Hop performance for parents (if your child is in these clubs)
24th Dance event ( KS2 Hip Hop) at the Round Chapel 1.15 – 2.45pm
25th Instrumental Event at Round Chapel from 2.00 – 6.00pm (Steel Pans only)
27th KS2 singing event at Round Chapel TBC 2.00 – 5.00pm
1st KS2 Sports Day
3rd Y6 Come Dine with Us
4th Secondary transition day
13th Summer Fair
15th Y6 show to parents 6.15pm
17th Y6 Pizza Party 6.15pm
19th Class parties
22nd Y6 graduation ceremony 11am
Break up at 1.30pm